

Debbie Jenkinson said...

That is amaaazing! Great sense of - uh - space. :-/ How did you make those?

vincent giard said...


Riding with Robots said...

Fantastic work. Shared.

Anonymous said...

Beautifully done, who knew a robot could provoke emotions?

Ron F said...

Beautifully captures the ongoing accomplishments of Voyager. Thank you!!

Keiko / Small Adventure said...

JED THIS IS AWESOMMMMME!!! I don't even understand how you made some of those gorgeous textures. Really nice visuals. Congratulations!!

Malachi Ward said...

Gorgeous. A fantastic comics experience.

HAeSoos said...


iris said...

What a an extraordinary sensitive perception of the planets and space, itself! Great art techniques! It is all so beautiful ... thank you ... perhaps, NASA will be looking for you.

ManO'Concern said...

Your work is dynamite. It reminds of Cheseley Bonestall, who did the most amazing real-life illustrations of the solar system and the universe.

Amanda Tasse said...

So beautiful and evocative!

Paul G. said...

Jed, this is just awesome! Each frame is a gorgeous painting, I can't even figure out how you did it.

My favorites are (1) seeing the four moons as it moves further away from Jupiter (the reverse of what we see from Earth?), (2) the close up of Titan and Saturn in its sky, and (3) seeing the tiny Sun as it leaves the solar system.

Thanks, I love it!!

Cecilia said...

So much atmosphere here, Jed! Love the colours!

Jonathan said...

Absolutely brilliant, Jed.
Real depth, tactile, yadayada... just so beautiful.

May I share this around the globe? And you're definitely putting this in print, right??

Jed said...

Thanks, everyone!

Jonanthan, please share! And yeah, I'm hoping there will be a print version. I'll post about it on my blog if it does happen.

Dash said...

Wowzers. Amazing.

Al H said...

Wow, Jed, somehow I never looked at this back in Feb, but I'm so glad I found it now! Your images are gorgeous! You should be really proud!

David said...

WOW WOW WOW! Amazing stuff :)

Unknown said...

This is one of the most beautiful webcomics I've ever seen. Honestly, I tear up when I read it.

crazyyears said...

I love comics but just never got the same feeling from digital as I do print. In this, however, I was immediately fully immersed and emotionally invested. Truly beautiful. You should be proud of this work.

John Redford said...

Another vote for a print version! I would love to get "Hawaii" too.

. said...

It amaze me what you can do only with images